Wednesday, 31 May 2017

last one

This is the last blog post to do with my industrial investigation as it has now been handed in and it has now passed after me stupidly forgetting to write about the trade article I was going to use! But it was a quick and easy fix so I’m glad it’s out of the way. Just getting last minute deadlines out of the way but I’m going to use this last post to give so advice when it comes to reports like an industrial investigation.

First of all, pick a topic you are interested in. There is no point writing about something you don’t have some sort of passion for because it’ll be bland and you’ll have no motivation to get it done. Also choose something that you can find a lot of information about, sometimes a broad subject can help because the choices of information will be endless. Do a bit of research on it before you even choose a topic just so you know what you’re getting yourself into because it would be a nightmare if the idea was there with not much secondary research to back it up and then it would be back to square one.

A really really important thing to remember is leave yourself time to write up results. Plan ahead and give yourself deadlines to get certain things done because doing it last minute will not get you very far and it’s a stress that is easy to avoid if you get things done. So do not do it last minute!

REFERENCING, always do it and make sure it is clear. This is something that can make you down in the future if you don’t do it so get in the habit before it’s too late because you don’t want to do an ace piece of work and then get marked lower because you forgot to highlight which books or websites you use. So always remember, referencing.

Also, plan ahead. Make notes and know how you are going to lay out what you have to say. Plan headings out in advance so everything can be organised from the get go. Something I wish I did a little bit more of!

Take advice from lecturers, they know what will make the report a success. They’ve probably marked a million of them so they will know what makes the best.

So basically put all of these pieces of advice together and you have the perfect report. There are probably a lot more points that could be made but I’m sure teaches of lecturers have repeated them a million times over but take it from me, they don’t just say it for fun. Thank you all for reading these posts and I have enjoyed writing them, I will most likely do another blog on a different topic. So I hope you read that one too!

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