Wednesday, 31 May 2017

last one

This is the last blog post to do with my industrial investigation as it has now been handed in and it has now passed after me stupidly forgetting to write about the trade article I was going to use! But it was a quick and easy fix so I’m glad it’s out of the way. Just getting last minute deadlines out of the way but I’m going to use this last post to give so advice when it comes to reports like an industrial investigation.

First of all, pick a topic you are interested in. There is no point writing about something you don’t have some sort of passion for because it’ll be bland and you’ll have no motivation to get it done. Also choose something that you can find a lot of information about, sometimes a broad subject can help because the choices of information will be endless. Do a bit of research on it before you even choose a topic just so you know what you’re getting yourself into because it would be a nightmare if the idea was there with not much secondary research to back it up and then it would be back to square one.

A really really important thing to remember is leave yourself time to write up results. Plan ahead and give yourself deadlines to get certain things done because doing it last minute will not get you very far and it’s a stress that is easy to avoid if you get things done. So do not do it last minute!

REFERENCING, always do it and make sure it is clear. This is something that can make you down in the future if you don’t do it so get in the habit before it’s too late because you don’t want to do an ace piece of work and then get marked lower because you forgot to highlight which books or websites you use. So always remember, referencing.

Also, plan ahead. Make notes and know how you are going to lay out what you have to say. Plan headings out in advance so everything can be organised from the get go. Something I wish I did a little bit more of!

Take advice from lecturers, they know what will make the report a success. They’ve probably marked a million of them so they will know what makes the best.

So basically put all of these pieces of advice together and you have the perfect report. There are probably a lot more points that could be made but I’m sure teaches of lecturers have repeated them a million times over but take it from me, they don’t just say it for fun. Thank you all for reading these posts and I have enjoyed writing them, I will most likely do another blog on a different topic. So I hope you read that one too!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


Hey everyone, it’s almost time to hand in my industrial investigation report and I can’t wait for it to be done! The fact that college is almost done too is a bonus! Anyway, I better close off this topic the right way. I’ve enjoyed looking into this as I’ve learned so much and I think I’d really like to start my own blog even just for something to pass the time. I’ve put in links of blogs I’ve read in a previous post so I hope you give them a read! I highly recommend reading blogs because they can brighten your day and give a personal feel instead of reading articles that can bore you to death!

So, I’ve basically told you what information I managed to gather so I think I’ll tell you how I actually got on with writing this report up because it was a bit of a challenge! For anyone who’s done an HND or something along those lines must know how draining it can be to write up a report but if you’re writing about something you are genuinely interested then it can be pretty easy and since I had an interest in the topic I chose then it was a lot simpler than I thought it would’ve been.

I’ll tie this altogether now, overall I found that people weren’t bothered about sponsorships or advertisements in blog posts as long as it doesn’t take up too much of the page. As long as the content is still strong and interesting, most people don’t care. So I am glad that I met all my objectives and found out what I needed to know to write up this report! There is probably a few things that I wish were a bit different and that would be to do a few more focus groups but it was hard enough to organise because people are usually busy. I also think I could’ve looked for more in the observations just so I could go into detail about that a bit more but it was funny watching people navigate between them and how they are online. 

I have one more post to put up before I’ve finished this task for digital marketing and I have enjoyed writing this blog even though at times I’ve struggled to think of things to say. I hope you can leave comments of any suggestions for me to post about once I create my own blog and I’ll be sure to listen to ideas! Thank you all for reading this, I can’t wait for all deadlines to be done and dusted, counting down now! I can definitely say that college has prepared me for uni and I can’t wait!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

And another....

Hey guys, here is another post all about blogs. I’ll keep this one quite light and easy just because I don’t want anyone nodding off halfway through! So I hope you enjoy this one!

Basically, all of the interviews and focus groups are done and out of the way so now I’ve been looking at secondary research and getting some hard hitting facts. I thought I’d maybe share some of the more interesting facts I found out. I bet if someone asked you how many blogs there are out there, you’d say maybe a million or 2 million- In fact there are around 42,000,000 blogs. I was shocked when I found that out, it goes to show that the competition between bloggers must be huge, I definitely have even more respect for those who have managed to make their blogs into massive successes. On top of this fact, there are around 320 million blog readers and to be honest this number has probably grown since I last checked because blogs are becoming more and more recognised in the marketing industry because of the shooting success rate a good few of them have. Companies are more willing to fork out for a professional blogger to advertise their products because of the readership and views they get, the company can analyse the bloggers target market, see if it fits with their campaign and work with the blogger to market themselves and if this is done right then it could build sales and then build profits.

A lot of the more popular bloggers are charismatic and witty and I’d say in most cases that these two characteristics are key ingredients to have when creating a blog because it has to make the person writing the blog sound likeable. The language that is used is a big factor just because people read things in different ways, like the younger generation uses more slang and the older generation tends to use bigger words and they can be known to use formal language. Guys read different things from girls etc. so everyone has different preferences when it comes to reading articles online and this is probably another reason why it can be tricky to break into this industry, there’s too much people out there to try and please. There’s going to be days where a blogger has the worst responses to their posts just because people don’t agree and there’s days where a blogger is gaining loads of the best responses they could ever get and it is just trying to maintain strength in every post that is put up, consistency is important. So overall the main ingredients to a successful blog is wit, charisma, consistency,  use of good language and hard facts to back up any points that have been made.

So hit me a comment if you have anything else to add or if you have any more blogs that would be a good read!