Hey everyone, here’s another blog post and I know it’s been
a good few weeks since I last posted but it was the Easter Holidays, filled with chocolate eggs and I was
definitely in need of some relaxation! As much as I did slack off a bit, I did
get a good chunk of research done so let’s jump straight back into the topic. I
do wish I got a lot more done but laziness certainly took over.
So over the holidays I had an interview with one of my
friends who actually has their own blog. She focuses mainly on beauty and
fashion but dabbles in seasonal stuff like seasonal treats. She gets quite a
lot of readers and she admitted that she does it as more of an enjoyment thing
but if she had the opportunity to turn it into a career she would. She can see
why so many bloggers take on a lot of sponsorships and advertisements because
it does earn them a lot of money and gives them a jump on a blogging career. It
is becoming a competitive industry as time goes by and people are struggling to
make money out of it because of the well-established blogs that are already out
On another note I did come across some funny blogs that I definitely
want to recommend, http://www.sadanduseless.com/
is brilliant, it’s so random and even just the titles can make you chuckle. The
same goes for http://pleated-jeans.com/
the titles can be so out of the blue but can crack most people up, these are
good for boring or crappy days. Both of these blogs feature advertisements or
some sort of sponsorship and I personally didn’t take any notice of them. I still
found the posts funny and still want people to read them. Blogs can still have
a personal feel even with the pop up ads or the mentioning of a brand or
product to advertise them, as long as it isn’t over flowing with crap that has
nothing to do with the post then most people agree with me and think that they aren’t
that big of a deal, even the surveys I put a post-up about a while ago proved
that to an extent, I mean I can’t speak for the entire population but I don’t think
I’m wrong. (Feel free to disagree and give me a counteracting argument in the comments)
Finally, I recommend that you read this blog, kforkirsty.wordpress.com she’s just starting out but
already I love her posts, I know she has more to come and I know the some of
you will be able to relate to them!
guys, this is just my return from the holidays post, nice and simple but its
back to the hard hitting stuff now, its worse knowing that there's no more chocolate eggs for another year so bring on the hard work and research! I’ll keep you posted and please leave some
comments once you’ve had a read to suggest any other blogs for me to analyse.